Having your own web server is more expensive than the cheap web hosting options. But here is the benefits why would you choose to run your own web server: What happens if one of the websites get hacked on the shared server? This probably wont be your fault but all it takes is one site to be exposed and the entire web server can be hacked and yes your site too. So, better option is to host your own server. How your custom email goes into peoples junk mail folders? This will be because your web server is blacklisted. You can solve it easily if you have own server. It offers a good learning to understand server setup and configuration. You have full control, you know every bit of hardware and software that has gone into it. When you need to reset the server or install anything you don’t need to contact tech support and wait for a response, you can simply pull the plug yourself. You will never get hacked because of another persons insecure website running on the same server. You ...
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